The fourth season of the popular American superhero show The Boys ended a few days ago. The show is known for its diabolical action drama and satirical dark comedy. This show is so popular worldwide, and the fourth season was so much anticipated for us fans.
Now, after finally Amazon Prime Video has dropped the entire season, we can talk about what we got from that season: is it hyped on as the previous seasons or does it not match the expectations of the fans? Did William Butcher get his revenge on his wife from the strongest SUPE Homelander? We’ll find out that ahead and take a closer look at each episode’s brief synopsis.
The Boys season 4 Episode wise review:
Episode 1: Department of the Dirty Tricks
The season premieres with a party night where we can see Neuman and Homelander with his son Ryan. And our boys are also there in disguise. We get to reveal that Homelander’s prostate is increasing day by day; on the other hand, Butcher’s health is not so well either after the impact of Temp V from the previous season.
We also get introduced to some new and important characters, which are Joe Kessler played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Fire Cracker played by Valorie Curry, and Sister Sage portrayed by Susan Heyward. All of them play their part in continuing the story, and two of them are Supes. Butcher secretly meets Neuman and deals with her about the virus that can kill supes (it was first mentioned in the spin-off named Gen V). Homelander recruits Sister Sage in the Seven, and then they both start brain games.
Episode 2: Life Among the Septics
This episode explores the perspective of Hughie and how he is dealing with his father’s condition after his tumor is in its final stages. Hughie’s mother comes out of nowhere in his and his father’s life after a long period, and we get to know some of the past of Hughie and how his relations were not so good with his mother.
Frenchie is in a complicated relationship with someone from his traumatic past whose name is Colin, and in that Kimiko is trying to kind of stop Frenchie. Homelander tries to make Ryan feel superior to all humans as his father is, and Sister Sage starts to be deeply involved in the Vought and its decisions. And The Seven gets a traitor who is no one but A-Train. Yes, he feels like changing sides for his and others’ good.
Episode 3: We’ll Keep the Red Flag Flying Here
Frenchie is dealing with his traumatic past of killing lots of innocent people, in which he’s also responsible for killing Colin’s parents. Homelander publically announced the new members of The Seven: Sister Sage and Fire Cracker. The team of boys tries to find out what Homelander and Sage’s plans are about the place of the president’s chair.
That puts Hughie in trouble with Homelander, and again A-Train saves him, which proves his arc is changing from a bad to a good character. Homelander is harsh with Ryan and tries to make him embrace the life he has.
Episode 4: Wisdom of the Ages
This episode is mostly focused on Homelander as he goes to the lab where he spent his childhood in a cell and his old torturing memories hit him. He brutally kills everyone in the lab except one, who is Barbara. He does this because he actually wants to kill his emotional side, John, who is in his past that he wants to leave permanently and just be Homelander.
On the other hand, the boys try to interrogate Fire Cracker by blackmailing her, but they don’t get a thing from her about the Homelander and Sage’s plan. In that try, we get to see something strange about Butcher, which saves him from Ezekiel.
Episode 5: Beware of the Jabberwock, My Son
Hughie’s mother gives Compound V to Hughie’s Father and that recovers him for some time. While Hughie is with his family, the Boys are on the find of that Virus which leads them to Stan Edgar. They take him from the prison to get the virus from Neuman.
The Boys reach the place where the Virus is kept safe but unfortunately, they don’t succeed Butcher finds a person who can make the Virus, Sameer. Butcher abducts Sameer with Joe Kessler and threatens him to make Virus kill Homelander.
Episode 6: Dirty Business
Hughie lost his father, and Frenchie is in prison, surrendered to atone for his old sins. Now the rest of The Boys plan to go on the alt-right cocktail party, and to sneak in that party, Hughie gets in the costume of Webweaver. On the other hand, Butcher is still trying to get the virus from Sameer.
But Sameer says that if we try to make a virus strong enough to kill Homelanders, then we’ll put the lives of every existing supe at risk. Then Joe Kessler tries to convince Butcher that it was the primary goal of the Butcher from the very beginning, and Becca, which was an illusion of Butcher’s mind, tells him to not be so cruel, and then the ending of this episode drops the most unexpected twist among us: the Joe Kessler we were seeing was also not real. It was an illusion, just like Butcher was seeing Becca.
Episode 7: The Insider
Butcher denies Joe Kessler’s thinking of killing every supe no matter what. Butcher goes to The Boys and tells them about Sameer and how he is making the virus and what will be the impact if they create that much stronger virus. He brings Frenchie back to make that virus because of his knowledge.
Homelander kills Webweaver because he thinks Webweaver is the traitor and Firecracker is being an ally of Homelander on the place of Sister Sage after she got kicked by Homelander. Sameer makes the virus and intentionally uses it on Kimiko, but Frenchie saves Kimiko by cutting her leg. And also we get to see another supe named Shape Shifter, which causes The Boys a lot of trouble.
Episode 8: Assassination Run
Butcher reaches so close to his death that he gets hospitalized, where Grace comes to him and tells him that they should train Ryan and use them against the Homelander. Shapeshifter, which was introduced in episode 7, takes Annie’s skin and disguise in the Team of Boys.
Meanwhile, Ryan comes to meet Butcher, who is on the verge of his death, Grace, and Butcher explains to Ryan how his mother got raped by Homelander, and they try to get Ryan on their side, but their plan backfires as Ryan kills Grace. Whereas, Shape Shifter is roaming around and playing Annie, but she got caught and tries to kill Bobby Singer. But the boys somehow stop that shifter.
Neuman seeks help from Hughie so that he can save her and her daughter from Homelander and Butcher, who’s now completely started to follow his mind. Joe Kessler comes and kills Neuman with his new powers, which are his living tumor in his body, and now he has taken the virus that Frenchie extracted from the infected leg of Kimiko. In the end, Homelander gives a speech that ignites the fire of hatred in all the supes for Starlighters, and the Team of Boys is just shredded into pieces.
Post Credit Scene
The Finale episode has a post-credit scene in which we can see The Soldier Boy is sleeping and Homelander comes to wake him up and the scene ends.
We can safely say The Boys never disappoints with its quality. Just like previous seasons, this one was also fully action-packed and full of craziness. This Season ends on a cliffhanger which will leave us fans wondering what will happen in the upcoming season but we have to wait for a long time to watch the story progressing.
Is The Boys Season 4 worth a watch?
Yes! This season is worth watching. It’ll provide everything you can expect from an Adult superhero and Dark comedy show.
How many seasons and episodes are there of The Boys?
There are a total of four seasons of The Boys TV Series and each season has 8 episodes.
Is Gen V linked with The Boys TV series?
Gen V was released the previous year which sets the season 4 of The Boys.
Where to watch The Boys Season 4?
The Boys TV series is officially streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Will there be a Season 5 for The Boys?
Yes, there will be season 5 and it will not come out before 2026. And some rumors say it’ll be the last season of the show.
Cast & Crew members
- Developed by: Eric Kripke
- Based on: The Boys by Garth Ennis, Darick Robertson
- Showrunner: Eric Kripke
- Language: English(Original) also available in other regional languages
- Distributed by: Amazon Prime Video
- Genre: Action, Drama, Black Comedy
- IMDb: 8.7/10
- Starring: Antony Starr, Karl Urban, Laz Alonzo, Karen Fukurhara, Jack Quaid, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jensen Ackles…